
Hour registration software

For organisations, it’s important to have a reliable system that accurately tracks the hours worked. ntri’s hour registration software does just that and more. It’s not just a tool for keeping track of time but an integral part of your business operations, helping to increase productivity and simplify administration.

Benefits of ntri’s hour registration software

  • Automation

    Avoid manual errors and save time with automated hour registration.

  • Flexibility

    Whether your team works remotely, in the office or on the go, our software adapts to a variety of work environments.

  • Analytics tools

    Gain insights into work performance and identify potential areas for optimisation.

  • Integration options

    Seamless connection with other systems, such as HR and accounting software, ensures a smooth operational experience.

ntri Facilities total solution

Combined with ntri’s Facility Management Information System (FMIS), the hour registration software forms a solution that goes beyond just keeping track of time. Together, they offer an efficient, safe and productive working environment for any organisation. A scalable solution that adapts to your specific requirements. All under one umbrella, simple and transparent for a fixed monthly fee.

ntri facilities

‘Hour registration is more than logging time; it’s about capturing value. Our software transforms simple timesheets into powerful insights, enabling businesses to manage their most valuable resource – time – more effectively.’

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